Afghanistan - Aid that Reaches its Destination
Our Charity “Afghanistan - Aid that Reaches its Destination” (Publicly Registered Non-Profit-Organisation)
Our charity was founded in order to support and expand the medical support Dr Najiba Behmanesh has been giving to the Afghan people since 2002. Every year, she will fly to Afghanistan at her own expense, where she offers free medical treatment for two to four weeks.
From dawn to dusk Dr Beshmanesh offers the local population medical treatment free of charge. She will visit schools, refugee camps and orphanages as well as families in need of help in order to assist wherever necessary and possible.
Our organisation does not aim at a single one time-effort, but at the sustainable improvement of local and regional conditions. Thus, since 2008 several schools have been provided with desks and chairs.
Families in search of establishing new means of subsistence will be supported with small monetary contributions.
In this way, each single cent and each single donation will reach people in need.
You can support us
helping to improve medical services for families;
giving children the opportunity to attend a school, where the ink will not freeze in winter;

Thanking for the support they have received and asking for God’s blessings, these people include all donors in theirs prayers.